Couples Rehab

Couples Rehab Centers | Addiction Treatment &Therapy | Couples Rehab

About Us

About Us – Our Core Values  And Beliefs – Couples Rehab

Relationships must be built on very strong bonds for a couple’s commitment to one another to last.  The commitment to, together, begin a new life journey, requires that same sort of strength.  But how wonderful a thought to begin an exciting new life of sobriety with someone you love, much like when you made the commitment to that person to begin with?

It takes true love, patience, partnership and dedication to make that “second honeymoon” last a lifetime.

And we can help you do it. Our couples’ rehab program is so innovative it caught the attention of CNN. We are proud to be opening the door to recovery for a segment of people usually rewarded by society, but historically discriminated against when it comes to drug and alcohol rehab: Couples.

Instead, the idea of couple’s drug and alcohol recovery (but in a simplistic sense) seemed not only absurd to the behavioral health community but damaging. Aren’t couple’s co-dependent, after all?

Usually when drugs or alcohol are involved, yes. This is why couples who have battled alcoholism and drug addiction be it one or both of them need to be ready when they get back together that second time, third time, fourth time, or fifth time. And hopefully after rebuilding a sober relationship together with the help of couples rehab, this time will be the lasting time.

Our couples rehab offers the latest treatment options available. We understand the difficulties of getting treatment when both partners are addicted to drugs, alcohol or both. Support each other as a couple as you help beat addiction together.

We have an amazing treatment plan specifically designed for couples. These substance abuse programs will  include the most  successful therapies in addiction treatment available, and include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Family Therapy and more

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